Adjustable electronic boost control is a key part of making a Porsche 944 Turbo powerful and controllable. To this end we have developed an electronic boost control system for AugTronic that is fully configurable through 3D Tuner.

This upgrade for AugTronic includes the hardware inside the AugTronic ECU and a MAC electronic boost solenoid. You will need a dual port wastegate such as our Turbosmart Ultragate 38 conversion kit to accompany this upgrade.

This gives owners several advantages over a manual boost controller. A much more drivable car especially where big turbos are used, which can be a handful. Typically this is because the turbo will try to achieve its peak boost pressure irrespective of the throttle position often giving a feeling of lack of control of engine output. On cars running higher boost pressures this can make the car both dangerous and unpleasant to drive! Using a throttle position sensor allows boost to be held back until full throttle is demanded by the driver.

It also means that torque can be kept more constant through the rev range by altering boost to account for changes in engine volumetric efficiency. This overcomes a common issue of having to put up with huge low RPM transmission destroying torque to get sensible top end power!

Using this system we have run 944 Turbos at 2 bar of boost and over 450hp yet retaining a level of controllability that means you can drive the car safely in the wet.